- Kent is often seen as the ‘Garden of England’ a genteel place with few social problems. But a culture of young people taking severe risks with their health does exist in some towns.
- A new initiative was needed to help reduce alcohol misuse, smoking and sexual infections in teenagers.
- Health isn’t a major priority for local young people, having fun is. And finger-wagging ‘health campaigns’ just don’t work
- Take health and youth services out of ‘boring’ and institutional settings and into a fun place: a new pop up youth hub – ‘HOUSE’
- Provide the ‘look and feel’ of a mate’s house and offer a range of entertaining activities
- Encourage young people to feel safe and comfortable so they’re more happy to talk about sensitive health and personal issues
- 12,000 young people checked in with 1,200 attending drugs and alcohol education sessions
- Nearly 9 in 10 who attended sessions said they would reconsider taking drugs or getting involved in violence
- Over 1,000 saw the sexual health nurse, had a chlamydia test or signed up for free condoms